Fixing Campaign Finance in Virginia

Virginia has some of the worst campaign finance laws in the country, and the data is incredibly difficult to use. We built Show Me Virginia’s Money to help fix this problem by making financial reports more accessible.

Fixing Campaign Finance in Virginia

The Problem

Virginia has some of the most lax campaign finance laws in the nation and it doesn't look like that is changing anytime soon. Candidates can accept unlimited contributions from individuals and companies, making it crucial for the public to have easy access to this information. Unfortunately, the official Virginia election website makes it difficult to obtain and monitor these reports, often requiring tedious, manual downloads.

State Board of Elections - Campaign Finance Reporting

Official Virginia Campaign Finance Reports

Our Solution

Although my campaign isn't regulated by Virginia's finance laws, after a call with Activate Virginia, we decided to take action. Show Me Virginia's Money is a tool that scrapes financial report data from the Virginia election website every night and saves it to GitHub. This ensures that the public has access to comprehensive, up-to-date financial reports. Additionally, it tracks changes to the data so the public can see when reports change or are modified.

GitHub - HenselForCongress/show-me-virginias-money
Contribute to HenselForCongress/show-me-virginias-money development by creating an account on GitHub.

The source code & where the project runs

Why It Matters

If Virginia made this data more accessible, we wouldn’t need such a tool. But until then, we’re making sure you can see where the money is coming from and how it’s being spent. Transparency is key to accountability, and we're making that happen.

How to Get Involved

Transparency and open data are cornerstones of my campaign. We’re developing tools to make government more accessible, and we need your help to make them even better. Visit our GitHub project page to see how you can contribute, whether it’s through coding, improving documentation, or suggesting new features.

If you’re not a programmer, don’t worry! Check out our Getting Involved page to explore volunteer opportunities or consider a donation to support our efforts in promoting transparency and accountability. Every bit of help counts and brings us closer to a more open government.

Join Us in Making a Difference

This project won't fix Virginia's campaign finance law problems overnight, but it will shine a light on the current landscape. By making this data accessible, we can push for greater transparency and accountability.

Help spread the word and get involved in transparency and open data initiatives. Let's make government work for everyone, not just a privileged few.

Other Groups

If you want more info about Virginia campaign finance reform, please check out these groups. This list is by no means comprehensive.

Additional Reading

Virginia state lawmakers quietly killed a bill to limit campaign donations - OpenSecrets News
The Virginia General Assembly let a contribution limits bill expire in committee without so much as a hearing or a vote.
In Virginia’s Democratic legislature, campaign finance reform bills languish without votes • Virginia Mercury
Virginia’s General Assembly continues to block efforts to put limits on the state’s wide-open campaign finance laws.
Casino Money, Influence Show Value Of Campaign Finance Reform: Expert
Unlimited political spending undermines people’s faith in the democratic process and discourages people from seeking office, says an expert.
George Santos controversy spurs calls for campaign finance reform in Virginia
“The idea that this money should be part of your personal piggy bank, that you could use in any way you want to, that was seen as beyond the pale,” UVA Law professor Bertrall Ross said.